Understanding your taxes can be stressful and time-consuming, especially when mistakes can present a significant financial risk to you or your business. Our years of experience mean we can spot mistakes that could negatively impact your future. We may also see opportunities and make suggestions to improve your financial situation. Stay in control and reclaim your time by working with a Padgett tax professional throughout the year.
Taxes are complicated enough without constant legislative changes. But when the tax code only gets more complex each year, it's almost impossible to keep up with it on your own.
Don’t face it alone:
Receiving an CRA notice can be scary if you don't know what it means or who to turn to for help.
Life happens year-round:
At some tax preparation companies, your experience is limited to a once-a-year transaction during tax time. They may not be there to answer your questions or address notices, audits, or errors.
Communication is key:
If your tax preparer makes mistakes or is difficult to communicate with, it can leave you in a stressful situation that you shouldn't have to face alone.
We can provide more than just an accurate, timely tax return for you or your business. We build a relationship with you and become not just your tax preparer, but your tax partner. We'll get to know you, so we can help transform your past tax data into usable information for future planning for your business and other life events. Whether it's helping you gather documentation for an audit or just responding to a letter from the CRA, we're here to help.